Members of Necton Area Trust (The Natty team) met on Saturday, 13 June 2020 to make a start on some ground clearance work. Our purpose - to gain access to evaluate and assess this exciting project to transform the old pit from a messy forgotten corner into a recreational asset for Necton.
The first job was to cut the grass along the full length of the entrance track so that we could open the gate. The pandemic has obviously had a bit of an impact on progress however it was a real pleasure to be able to get on with some work, adhering to social distancing and the current requirements.

Once inside, we tackled a fallen tree which obstructed access beyond the gate. Nettles in abundance played an excellent role in masking the contour of the ground and defended their patch with gusto. Our intention is to keep as much of the organic matter on site as possible, recycling the green materials into compost and the brown into chippings. The fallen tree, grass cuttings and nettles from this morning’s activity have formed the start of our recycling heaps.

Our plan over the next few months is to create a minor path through the space to allow us to accurately assess the landscape, plants, and wildlife all of which will inform how we proceed. Our woodland restoration will continue to be done sensitively with respect for wildlife, habitats, nesting and hibernation seasons. This will not be a job rushed, but one that will be a journey of slow and exciting discovery as we reveal the hidden gems of a space once enjoyed by adults and children many years ago.
